How To Boost Recycling in Your Business in 5 Ways

Melt Filters

Most businesses are increasing their efforts to go green, aiming to reduce their carbon footprint as well as saving money. According to research conducted by the State of the Environment Report in 2016, 57 percent of all Australian businesses are making use of more eco-conscious practices in day-to-day operations. And one of the easiest and most cost-efficient ways to be more sustainable in your business is through recycling.

It is an excellent way of reducing carbon emissions, saving energy and reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill. If done correctly, a comprehensive recycling system can help an organisation cut its contribution to landfill entirely.

Here are five tips on how to boost recycling for your business.

  1. Reduce paper consumption

Reducing paper consumption is a great way to reduce waste production. Usually, paper has the highest volume of waste in the office. It is, therefore, important to try and find tasks, which could be paperless or make use of re-usable materials. For paper you do use, consider a recycled or carbon neutral paper.

  1. Investing in good bins and labelling

Most offices use a lot of recyclable materials so ideally have designated places to dispose of these materials so they can be easily recycled. Providing separate waste bins for each option with a highly visible label providing practical guidelines for employees can help to encourage and promote recycling within your business, with separate bins for bottles, containers and soft plastics.

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How To Boost Recycling in Your Business in 5 Ways 3

  1. Encourage employees

To achieve a successful recycling initiative, employees need to be motivated to participate. It is vital to reach out and engage with staff members to ensure they are aware of the right ways to recycle and what options are available, while also making it simple for them to contribute.

You may need to implement an ongoing training program that outlines what staff can and can’t recycle.

  1. Regular communication

It is important that staff members know the basic information such as where to put their waste. You can email staff members or place an item on the notice board as to where recycling points are.

In addition to ensuring all bins are labelled correctly, ensure all staff members are aware of the program you have initiated as well as your company’s goals. For instance, you could publish your waste versus recycling ratios. Adding rewards or incentives to recycle can also be a good bonus.

  1. Run a recycling awareness day

You can run a recycling awareness day to help boost the adoption rates of the recycling program. The awareness day can also help be used to educate staff members on the impact of recycling on the environment and the costs associated with waste production.

Following these tips can help businesses promote an eco-conscious work environment. An ongoing commitment to recycling for all businesses can be a worthy cause and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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